时间:2010-01-31 点击:
次 来源:网络 作者:佚名 - 小 + 大
'日期转换星座函数,参数是日期型 function astro(birth) astro="" if birth="" or not isdate(birth) Then exit function birthmonth=month(birth) : if birthmonth<10 then birthmonth="0" & birthmonth birthday=day(birth) : if birthday<10 then birthday="0" & birthday birth=trim(birthmonth & birthday) '重整月日,0903型 rAstro=split("水瓶座*0120*0219#双鱼座*0220*0320#白羊座*0321*0420#金牛座*0421*0521#双子座*0522*0621#巨蟹座*0622*0722#狮子座*0723*0823#处女座*0824*0923#天秤座*0924*1023#天蝎座*1024*1122#射手座*1123*1222#摩蝎座*1222*0119#","#") astro="摩蝎座" '这个是跨年的,不好对比,先默认 for i_ls=0 to ubound(rAstro)-2 rls2=split(rAstro(i_ls) & "*","*") if birth>=rls2(1) and birth<=rls2(2) then astro=rls2(0) exit for end if next end function |